NLP) Metrics - Writing
Outline of Metrics used in NLP
This post is the outline of metrics used in NLP. So, there are only name, category, some relation with other metrics and short description. I will write post about each metric, and link them in this post.
* Two Terms of Evaluation
- Instrinsic Evaluation: Evaluation by human. It is most perfect evaluation. Depending on who scores, there is a deviation in the scoring results, because there is no clear grading standard especially in NLP. Futhermore, it spends lots of time and cost.
- Extrinsic Evaluation: Evaluation by a score metric such as BLEU or ROUGUE. This runs as program, so mass evaluation and automation are available, with cost and time advantages. But it is not guaranteed that the result of score metrics is not equal or similar with one of evaluation by human.
There are two aspects of evaluation. These are different about how the model is evaluated. I will introduce intrinsic evaluation used in NLP tasks.
On the other aspect, the definition of two words is different. In aspect of evaluation to models in an application, intrinsic evaluation focuses on intermediary objectives related directly the performance of an NLP component on a defined subtask, and extrinsic evaluation focuses on the performance of the final objective of the component on the complete application. For example, a text summarization application consists of word embedding model and summarization model. Intrinsic evaluation is that each models in the application is evaluated separately. In another aspect, whether comparision with other models is included or not is matter. In intrinsic evaluation, the model is evaluated independently. Contrary to extrinsic evaluation is consist of performance comparsion with other models.
[1] Confusion Matrix
1. Accuracy
2. Precision
3. Recall
4. F1-Score
5. AUC
[2] Statistics
1. MRR
2. MAP
[3] BLUE
[4] Alt to BLEU
2. PPL
3. STM
[6] Alt to ROUGE
2. ParaEval
3. ROUGE 2.0
crosstar1228, “[NLP]Rouge score - Summarization의 평가 Metric”
Koo Ping Shung, “Accuracy, Precision, Recall or F1?”
Kurtis Pykes, “The Most Common Evaluation Metrics In NLP”
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Rahul Patwari Youtube, “The tradeoff between sensitivity and specificity”
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“딥 러닝을 이용한 자연어 처리 입문” 위키독스
Donghwa KIM, “BLEU Score”
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supkoon, “[자연어처리[Metric] BLEU score : bilingual Evaluation Understudy”
SINA BREITENBACH, “MT for Beginners: What is BLEU and what is wrong with it?”
Rachael Tatman, “Evaluating Text Output in NLP: BLEU at your own risk”
MLNerds, “METEOR metric for machine translation”
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Chiara Campagnola, “Perplexity in Language Models”
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devfon, “예시를 통한 ROUGE 성능 지표의 이해”
Chin-Yew Lin, “ROUGE: A Package for Automatic Evaluation of Summaries”
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Probing Semantic Grounding in Language Models of Code with Representational Similarity Analysis - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate