In this post, I introduce how to set Gitblog development enviroment using Ruby and Jekyll bundler in Windows OS. After setting, we can check the pages in localhost:4000 befor publishing the pages.

1. Setting

  1. Install Ruby+Dvkit from RubyInstaller Downloads. Select the recommended version that is emphasized.

  2. Run the downloaded file. After install, Run the ridk install, and choose the options MYSYS2 and MINGW development tool chain.

  3. Run Windows cmd. And install jekyll bundler.

2. Using

  1. Run Windows cmd. And go to the directory where your blog is.

  2. Input the command below. Then, you can watch your blog at localhost:4000 using any browser.


GitHub Docs
줌코딩, “차근차근 Github 블로그 만들기(2) - Github 블로그 개발 환경 설정하기(Ruby, jekyll bundle 설치하기)”